At the beginning of unit 3 the classical civilizations are gone and religion takes a primary role in defining civilizations. Although the Roman empire never recovers, the eastern half, the Byzantine Empire, continues until the end of this time period and spreads orthodox Christianity and a model of strong centralized government. Buddhism is now a permanent feature of Chinese civilization, and through the dynamic and urban dynasties of the Tang and Song, spreads to Korea, Japan and southeast Asia. Perhaps the most remarkable religious phenomenon of this unit is the rise and spread of Islam. Islamic empires spread culture and ideas, and form spheres of increased trade and contact. The Silk Road trade routes--so prominent in connecting the classical civilizations of the previous unit--are eclipsed by Indian Ocean trade. And finally, nomadic people play a important role during this era, the most important of which are the Mongols who build the largest land empire the world has ever seen. By the end of this unit, western Europe and China are each experiencing a renaissance of culture, Russia is recovering from Mongol domination, and the two hemispheres of the globe are about to be introduced by Columbus. 

As you read the Key Concepts, don't just memorize individual facts (although you do need to know them.) It is important that you know how facts serve as examples of the larger concepts under which they are indexed. 


Key Concepts for Period 3
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class--Great study guide!)
Key Concept 3.1 Expansion and Intensification of Communication and Exchange Networks  
Key Concept 3.2 Continuity and Innovation of State Forms and Their Interactions 
Key Concept 3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity and its Consequences 


Class Handouts Class Notes/Resources
 Pre-Columbian Trade Routes in Americas  Indian Ocean Trade Activity
 Tang China Equal Field Tax Debate (w/docs)  Africa's Golden Age of Empires
 The Silk Roads in History (University of Penn)  Sinification of East and Southeast Asia
 Cornell Notes on Byzantine Chapter  Neo-Confucianism
 Period 3 STUDY GUIDE Part A: Key Concepts  The Confucian Civil Service Exam System
 Period 3 STUDY GUIDE: Part B: Themes  China's Song Dynasty
 Timeline Review for Period 3  The Mongols in World History
 All the Khan's Horses: Mongols and horses  Travels of Ibn Battuta
Russia, Land of the Rus  Diasporic Merchant Communities


Class Podcasts
Islam Podcast 1 

 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) Patterns of settlement in Arabia before and after Muhammad's life
2) How Islam became a centralizing force for the nomadic bedouins of Arabia.
3) Primary beliefs of Islam and how they affect society.
5) Reasons for divisions within the Muslim community.
6) The characteristics of the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties.

 Islam Podcast 2
Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The nature of Islamic civilization and institutions.
2) Islam's effect on trade and economy.
3) Islam's political effects.
4) Social patterns of conversion to Islam in different areas.
5) The interaction of Islamic civilization with West Africa, South Asia, Anatolia, and Western Europe
China Podcast 1

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The Sui Dynasty (government projects facilitating trade).
2) How the Tang combined traditions and innovations in its state.
3) The expansion of the Tang (tributary relations and technological diffusion).
4) The Song economic and urban revolution. 

Mongol Podcast

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) How did the environment shape the nature of steppe civilization
2) How were the Mongols able to unify an empire on the Central Asian steppes?
3) What was the effect of the Mongols on trade?
4) What was the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China, and the Dar al Islam?